There are solutions to life's challenges! All we need do is call on the Angels who are ever ready to guide us through them! Contact me, and I will invoke their higher perspective and with their wisdom, we help you navigate the rough seas so you may sail smoothly onto your destination of vibrant health, prosperity and happiness. If you're grieving the loss of someone dear to you, as an Angel Medium, I am able to bring through messages to help ease your grief.
So, what does Feng Shui have to do with it?
Everything is energy and everything is connected. Feng shui "sees" the world as completely alive, with all things – buildings, streets, land, furnishings, humans – connected in a dynamic relationship that influences all that we experience. In your feng shui consultation, I read your home's floor plan, make an assessment of the things you live with, and guide you in making changes that will help create a delightful place in which to live, while also nurturing, protecting, and supporting your growth and movement through life. I analyze the home and make strategic design suggestions that will enhance your goals of better health, relationships, prosperity, and overall happiness.
You are welcome to cruise my website to learn more! Use the "Contact Form" to get in touch, ask questions, or to schedule an appointment. Today is a good day to set sail on your journey to a better life!
Your Skipper,

Angel Medium Nancy Freier
& Essential Feng Shui® Consultant

Welcome Aboard!
The Angels and I are
happy to help guide
you on your journey!
Bon voyage!
Nancy Freier has been a channel for the angels' wisdom and guidance since 1986 following the sudden death of her beloved soulmate. She prayed for help and the angels spontaneously began communicating with her to guide her through grief and beyond in fulfilling her life's work of helping others live happy and fulfilling lives.
Nancy offers personal Angel Guidance Readings and trainings in angel and spirit communication. She writes the Angel Talk™ that appears monthly in The Inner Voice Magazine.
Due of the Principles of Vital Ch'i (Energy)... know that: "Everything is energy and everything is connected to everything else." This means that your home, and the things you live with, are directly affecting you. They are either enhancing, or they are inhibiting you and the results you want to have in life.
For that reason, in addition to having an Angel Guidance Reading, you might consider having a "Full Circle 360 Consultation" that includes an Essential Feng Shui® analysis of your home. This consultation points out environmental changes you can make to your home, that will refresh the Ch'i and thereby boost your goals of health, wealth, and happiness in relationships.
Readings | Feng Shui Design | Books
• Psychic, Angel Medium | Angel Guidance Readings
• Harmony By Design Essential Feng Shui®
• Author of "Angel Guidance: Wisdom For Navigating Life's Challenges" (June 2022)
• Author of "You Can Talk With Your Angels" (Coming Soon!)
• Creator & Publisher of The Inner Voice eMagazine

Angel Guidance Gathering on Zoom
every 2nd Saturday of the Month... 1pm Central
2pm Eastern | 11am Pacific
Check time in your city
Click HERE to Join!
Calling All Angels!
You are welcome to join this FREE angelic-inspired conversation every second Saturday (Sunday in Australia) when Angel Medium Nancy Freier leads the group into a growing awareness of those in the higher realms and the ways they guide us through the lessons and challenges we face. Each meeting is unique. We explore the methods of communication with 'the Greater Reality,' share enriching real-life stories with Spirit, and discuss enlightening Q&As about the communication process and the messages we receive.
Back in 1990, long before Zoom was a thing, the Angels told me: "We would be will be zooming enlightenment around the world!" I laughed out loud at that message back then, but now I see they made quite the prediction!
A FUN Note